MoMA Café

Museum Café | Commissioned Proposal | New York City, New York

This museum café considers everything from the overall concept down to the tableware. Through partnerships we developed with local design groups, the café synthesizes food and dining with both the exhibition experience of the art museum and the retail experience of the museum store. 

Bright, iconographic images designed by Triboro Design float overhead on the walls and ceilings, rotated along with the seasonal menu presented by Brooklyn Grange. Underfoot, black quarry tile visually separates the dining space from the gallery while also forming a visual dialogue with both the Diller Scofidio + Renfro renovation and the original Taniguchi building. 

Tableware, designed by Triboro and curated along with the seasonal menu, is presented in a glass display case as visitors walk through the space, and can later be purchased in the museum store. 

A row of trailing greenery provides a gentle screen between the central dining area and the wide expanse of windows marking the far edge of the space, where the interiors terminate in a rounded banquette and a view out to the sculpture garden below. Here, the graphics quiet to draw attention to the view, where edible plantings, curated by Brooklyn Grange, mix with the sculptures below.

Collaborators: Union Square Hospitality Group, Triboro Design, Brooklyn Grange

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